Everyone has a story to tell
sometimes you just need a little help
sometimes you just need a little help
nawmal can help
For Fun
Fun to create and easy to share - millions of people have made videos about what interests them, shared their video, and connected with people who share their interest.
Fun to create and easy to share - millions of people have made videos about what interests them, shared their video, and connected with people who share their interest.
These are just of few examples of people's videos about : being a lawyer, a phsycologist, a corrections officer, working in the video games industry, being an architect, writing a novel, even living in Montana !!
These 24 videos were created by people like you, and have been viewed over 10 million times.
These 24 videos were created by people like you, and have been viewed over 10 million times.
Self Expression
Vito uses nawmal to help commmunicate and express himself in ways that otherwise remain hidden.
To find out how nawmal acts as an assistive technology, and is helping a growing number of people with communication differences and difficulties to express themselves and connect with others, please click on the picture.
Vito uses nawmal to help commmunicate and express himself in ways that otherwise remain hidden.
To find out how nawmal acts as an assistive technology, and is helping a growing number of people with communication differences and difficulties to express themselves and connect with others, please click on the picture.
nawmal offers Eric a way to have a presence to be an advocate and spokesperson for causes realted to ALS.
nawmal's ease of use, appealing characters and unique user experience contribute to it's use to enable and encourage communication and self-expression by people with ALS, autism, mutism, shyness, social anxiety, and intellectual disability.
nawmal offers Eric a way to have a presence to be an advocate and spokesperson for causes realted to ALS.
nawmal's ease of use, appealing characters and unique user experience contribute to it's use to enable and encourage communication and self-expression by people with ALS, autism, mutism, shyness, social anxiety, and intellectual disability.
David created videos to express his creative talent.
2 million views later, he secured a publishing deal, and in June of 2019, published his 5th book.
David created videos to express his creative talent.
2 million views later, he secured a publishing deal, and in June of 2019, published his 5th book.

Brian's video has been viewed over 17 million times. His video triggered an army of similar videos portraying the difficulties and frustrations of employees at the hands of their customers.